This Summer was full of playing, playing and more playing. We enjoyed time together, my boys and I, while Ryan was off at work (poor guy). Our days were filled with swimming, reading, legos, more swimming, trucks, puzzles, the list could really go on and on. On one of our many "Field Trips" (don't you love my teacher lingo?), we purchased a few books and a 48 piece Spiderman Puzzle.
The minute we returned home, Sam tore open the bag (yes, the puzzle was in a ziplock type bag, which I love, by the way. It is so much easier to store, and no torn box. I digress!). I watched as he began trying, with his sweet little 6 year old fingers, to do this puzzle independently. He is pretty good at puzzles, but I could tell he was struggling. I went over to him and asked if I could help. He quickly responded with, "No! Mom, I am 6 now. I can do this by myself." Tear! So, I went back to what I was doing, continuing to watch him struggle with this puzzle.
As I watched him, the Lord spoke to me in a whisper. He said, "When you struggle, when you can't solve the puzzle of life that is laid before you, when you are drowning, press in to me and I will solve it FOR YOU, I will fight that battle FOR YOU, I will SAVE YOU!" Take a moment to read this...
Psalm 18 (The Message)
16-19 But me he caught—reached all the way
from sky to sea; he pulled me out
Of that ocean of hate, that enemy chaos,
the void in which I was drowning.
They hit me when I was down,
but God stuck by me.
He stood me up on a wide-open field;
I stood there saved—surprised to be loved!
20God made my life complete
when I placed all the pieces before him.
After a while, Sam finally asked me to come help him. I immediately jumped at the opportunity, 1)because I love puzzles, but 2) because HE NEEDED ME! God wants us to NEED HIM. He wants us to CALL ON HIM, like a child calls for his mother in the night, like Sam asked me for help. Together, we finished the puzzle with me explaining that this piece goes here and that piece goes there. God said to me, "This is what I want to do for MY people! I want to stand my people up on an open field (not a desserted land, that's dead or barron), I want to show them how to complete the work of art that I started in them.
When you are being hit from all sides, when life seems like it is crashing down all around you, God will stick by you. He will put your puzzle together for you, and it will be the most beautiful MASTERPIECE you have EVER seen. All you have to do is place those broken pieces of doubt, those broken pieces of insecurity, the broken pieces of addiction, those broken pieces of financial crisis, those broken pieces of abuse, those broken pieces of incontenment, those broken pieces of bitterness before the Almighty God and He will make your life COMPLETE!
It isn't easy, but it is a MUST! I know from experiece that when I re-opened the book of my heart to His eyes, He REWROTE the text of my life, and I do not regret it for one second! He can and will do it for you! Press into Him today! Stand on the ROCK that is Jehovah God! All OTHER ground is sinking sand!