Make your face shine upon Your servant, and teach me Your statutes. Psalm 119:135

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentine's Day!!

Most of you have read my marriage journey, so you know that things have not always been a "bed of roses" for Ryan and I.  We have been on a constant roller coaster ride for almost 8 years, with more downs than ups.  However, in September of 2011, God stepped into our marriage fully and the roller coaster ride has FINALLY come to a stop.  This is a roller coaster that I never want to ride again.  Now, don't get me wrong, I KNOW there are going to be down times in our marriage, when things aren't as wonderful as they could be, but I believe we have the tools now to ward off attacks from the enemy (and by enemy, I mean ole Satan himself). 

One thing I have learned (I have shared on here before) is that marriage takes a TRINITY, God, you and your spouse.  Without God, it's like having a math problem without the operation sign.  It makes the problem pointless, unsolvable.  I had to learn this the hard way.  My prayer is that, through this blog, you will understand the importance of INVITING God into your relationships, whether it be marriage, dating, OR singleness.  Invite God into every aspect of your life.  TRUST ME!!  TRUST HIM!!!

I want to share with you today a few ways to invite the God of the universe into your personal life, into your home, into your relationships.

I began looking for ways that I could "resolve" to do better, in all aspects of my life, but especially in my relationship with Ryan.  First, I decided to work on the "all aspects" part.  Well, I found "The Resolution of a Woman" on, none other than my favorite blog, Going Beyond (Priscilla Shirer).  You can find the resolutions here.  I prayed so hard about this because this was a big deal to me.  I printed it out, signed and dated it, and placed in the front of my Prayer Binder (more about this below) so that I would see it EVERY day and REMEMBER the resolution I made to my God and to my family.  I read over this list, asking God to help me in all these areas, asking Him to make known the things in me that aren't of Him in order to make me better for my family, for my husband, but most importantly, for Him. 

Most of you know that I have two small children, and that I work a full time job outside the home, not to mention having the full time job of being a wife and a mommy.  I struggle with having my NEEDED quiet time with God.  I have heard that some people use a prayer basket, others do their work on the computer, but I needed something that worked for me.  So, I began a Prayer Binder.  I added a section to this prayer binder for Myself, for Ryan, for my Children, and for Others.  Each day, during my quiet time, I will jot down a verse that really stood out to me, look over the verses I have already written, and write down any prayer requests that have been mentioned to me.  I also keep a pen and some note cards in the front cover so that when God lays someone on my heart, I can jot them a quick note and send it their way.  This works for me because I can be grab it quickly, look at it numerous times a day (in short increments because that's how I roll), and it's organized (if you have ever met me, then you understand what I mean).

A Resolution To Be the Kind Of Woman Who Truly Blesses Her Man
I will be faithful to my husband and honor him in my conduct and conversation in order to bring glory to the name of the Lord. I will aspire to be a suitable partner for him to help him reach his God-given potential.

This resolution struck a major chord with me.  THIS ONE IS HARD!!!!  It's hard because, like I said before, I am so busy being a mommy, a maid, a teacher (both at home and at my job), a cook (this list could go on for awhile), that I tend to forget about being a wife.  Does anybody else feel this way?  I get so wrapped up in everything else that Ryan gets pushed and shoved to the back of the line.  God has been prompting me to change this because in His word I am told to HONOR my husband, to PRAY for and with my husband, to PLACE him at the TOP of my list, only second to God. 

So....speaking of getting wrapped up!!!!

I LOVE Pinterest!!!!  Anybody with me?!  I have found SO many fun crafts, unique gift ideas, house plans, organizing tools, RECIPES galore, but I also found (not a coinsidence, I'm sure) a list of 25 Prayers for My Husband.  I printed this out and personalize it making my own list of Prayers for Ryan.  I placed this in my Prayer Binder as well.  I pray over him daily, asking God to protect him, to show him His favor, to allow Ryan to be a light to everyone he comes into contact with, to proctect him from the snare of the trapper, and to give him peace and joy in ALL circumstances. WHY???


I meant what I said to Ryan 7 years, 10 months and 18 days ago, when I promised to love, honor and cherish him, UNTIL DEATH PARTS US.  I meant the verse I had engraved on the inside of his wedding band. "Entreat me not to leave you.  Where you go I will go.  Where you live I will live.  Where you die, I will die, too.  Your people shall be my people and your God shall be my God."  ~Ruth 1:16-17  I meant it then, but TODAY, on Valentine's Day 2012, I mean it more THAN EVER before.

I challenge you to invite God into every aspect of your life, RESOLVE TO BE A BETTER YOU!  Do it for YOURSELF, for YOUR HUSBAND, for YOUR FRIENDS, for YOUR FAMILY....



I leave you with a picture of Ryan and I.  I mean I love this man with every fiber of my being!!!

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