Make your face shine upon Your servant, and teach me Your statutes. Psalm 119:135

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Have you ever misplaced something? This drives me nuts! It never fails when I am running behind, one of my children has lost his left shoe, the other child cannot find his backpack, I've misplaced my car keys, or I've lost my cell phone. As organized as I try to be, something always falls through the cracks.

It's so easy to misplace something, lay it down and then forget where you put it, put it somewhere where it will be safe and easy to find and then it's not, or just overlook it and it be right under your nose. As easy as it is to misplace an item in your home it's even easier to misplace GOD. Hear me out! There are two reasons I believe God gets misplaced in our lives.

1. We get "too busy" with life
2. Things are going good and we don't think we "need" Him anymore

Neither of these reasons are right but both of these reasons are TRUE. At least they were for me.

Before Ryan and I went through our "wilderness" and even during it, I had misplaced God. Don't get me wrong, there were times when we NEEDED God and we sought Him. For example, six months after we were married his mother suddenly passed away. WE NEEDED GOD! We were close to Him; it was the only way we could make it through the day. However, after our son Sam was born, life happened. Things were good! We were busy! Ryan was the youth minister at our church. I was a teacher, a mother, a wife, a youth volunteer, a MOPS steering team member, a Swim Teacher, a Camp Piney leader, a VBS leader, and the list goes on and on. I know what you are thinking, "Most of your activities revolved around church". Yes, they revolved around church but they didn't revolve around GOD. You see, I was too busy playing church I forgot the God part. I wasn't at His feet where I should have been, learning about Him, worshipping Him, seeking Him. I had misplaced Him in my everyday, hectic life.

When I finally realized what was missing it was ALMOST too late for certain parts of my life, like my marriage. I fell to my knees and FOUND God in the place I was in. I didn't have to go to a church service or be in my quiet time. I found God right there on my back porch at 6:00 in the morning, when there was nothing left of me. And you know what, that's exactly where God wanted me to find Him. You see, God didn't want me to find Him when I had something to tear my away again. He wanted me to find Him when I was broken so, get this, HE could put me back together.

I HAD misplaced God. BUT, here's the part that makes my heart leap out of my chest. Here's the part that makes me shout praises to my God. Ready?! GOD NEVER, did you read that, NEVER misplaced me. He had me in the palm of His hand all along waiting for me to realize I NEEDED Him, even more importantly He was waiting for me to realize that I WANTED Him. ~Psalm 139:1-12

Maybe you are like me. Maybe you have misplaced God in your hectic life or maybe because things have been going good for you. Sister, life isn't always going to be good and it isn't always going to be easy. Satan is lurking around every corner seeking whom me may devour. Don't be an easy target because you have misplaced God. Make it a priority to put on the armor of God each day by seeking Him, praying to Him, reading His word. The devil doesn't stand a chance against this. ~Psalm 55:16-19

Have you misplaced God?  Find Him....on your knees!!

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